How to Fix Your Phone why You Should do it Yourself

You broke your phone and in a panic googled “how to fix my phone.”

Congrats! You just took the first step towards learning something new and the chance to develop a very valuable skill.

Aside from learning something new and developing a valuable skill repairing your phone yourself is EXTREMELY cost effective. If you don’t have insurance on your phone you could be paying anywhere from $100-700 to get your screen replaced by a repair shop. By repairing your phone yourself you could save hundreds of dollars.

As someone who works at a repair shop, I have seen time and time again people overpaying to get their phones fixed. Some people are afraid to even clean their charging port let alone try and replace the screen. I’m here to tell you that it is so much easier than you think, and, with a little help, anyone can do it.

Some of the most common phones that we see in the shop are iPhonesSamsung phones, and the Google Pixels. We see others but these are the ones I want to focus on.

Replacing the screen on an iPhone is relatively easy. Generally speaking all you need to do is pop the old one off and pop the new one on. There is one distinguishing thing about iPhone screen repairs that stands out from the others though. There are a lot of different types and sizes of screws. Still though they are very doable for anyone with any level of skill.

Samsung phones have a lot of components within them, and you don’t really replace the screen when you fix them. What I mean is, typically the “new screens” also include a new frame and possibly battery. So rather than popping off the broken screen and putting on a new one, you actually pop the back off and transplant the innards of the phone to a different frame. It sounds complicated but the nice thing about Samsung phones is they are actually built quite well and are only made up of a few distinctive inner parts. Following a guide anyone can replace their Samsung screen.

Google pixels are easily the easiest of the 3 main types of phones to repair. When I say you pop the screen off and put a new one on I mean it in the most literal sense. A lot of recent models don’t even require a screwdriver to replace the screen. The screens can be somewhat fragile though, and when replacing the screens you may have to connect the phone to a PC to calibrate the screen. The process is SUPER simple, the calibration is even through
Google’s website, you don’t have to download anything.

Welcome to RepairRecipe. I am here to provide you the Recipes to Repair your devices. I will break down the steps to fix your phones in great detail and you’ll see that REALLY anyone can do it. So now that you’re here, go ahead and find the Recipe on how to fix your phone, and get ready to save money and learn at the same time.